Comilla University Admission Circular 2016-2017 and Result

Comilla University 2016-2017 sessions hon's 1st year admission notice has been published. Comilla University admission circular 2016-2017, comilla university admission notice 2016 download, Comilla university admission test admit card 2016 download, comill university admission test 2016-2017. Admission test will be held on December 2, 3, and 9, 2016.

Commila University Admission Circular 2016-2017

Application Start: 1st October, 2016
Application End: 22nd October, 2016
Admit Card Download: You will be informed later.
Admission Test: December 2nd and 3rd December,2016
Admission Test Fee: 550/-
Application Method: SMS From Teletalk

Application Procedure - SMS Format - 1st SMS
COU <space> HSC-Board (1st 3 letters) <space> HSC-Roll <space> HSC-Pass-Year <space> SSC-Board (1st 3 letters) <space> SSC-Roll <space> SSC-Pass-Year <space> Unit-Keyword and Send to 16222
If you send 1st sms correctly, you will get a pin no. for confirmation.
2nd SMS

COU <space> YES <space> PIN <space> Your-Mobile-No and Send to 16222

Short Code 
Dhaka Board - DHA ; Rajshahi Board - RAJ ; Dinajpur Board - DIN ; Comilla Board - COM ;
Chittagong Board - CHI ; Sylhet Board - SYL ; Jessore Board - JES ; Barisal Board - BAR ; Madrasa Board - MAD ; Technical Board - TEC

Unit Details
A Unit = Math, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Pharmacy, CSE and ICT
B Unit = Bengali, English, Economics, Public Administration, Norphology, Archeology, Journalism, Law
C Unit = Management Studies, Accounting Information System, Marketing, Finance and Banking

Application Eligibilty
Applicant should have to pass HSC in 2015/2016 and SSC in 2013/2014.
For A Unit students should have to get total GPA 6.50 in SSC and HSC from science.
For B Unit students should have to get total GPA 6.00 from science or humanities or business studies.
For C Unit students should have to get total GPA 6.50 from science or 6.00 from humanities or 6.50 from business studies.

Download Comilla University Admission Notice 2016-2017

Comilla University Admission Notice is given below

